My Fall Reading List is formed! I’ve tried to supplement my summer reading with some weightier books. Chances are good I will add to this list as the weeks go by, but these are the books I would really like to read.
Peace Like A River, Lief Enger
The Signature of All Things, Elizabeth Gilbert
The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck
For The Sake of The Children, Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
Bringing Up Boys, Dobson
Shepherding A Child’s Heart, Tedd Tripp
The Fitting Room, Kelly Minter
To Persia, With Love, Doreen Corley
Beyond Ourselves, Catherine Marshall
Educating the Wholehearted Child, Clay Clarkson
As always, this list is subject to change. In fact, I guarantee it will change. Unless I know it’s important that I read a certain book, I am not afraid to call a book not worth the time and quit in the middle. I realize some folks can’t handle abandoning a book, but I need that freedom or else I wouldn’t even try half the books I actually come to like.
So what’s on your list this Fall?
Grammar note: I realize you’re not technically supposed to capitalize the names of seasons. I just can’t help it.